General Hygiene and Safety Protocols
- Wash your hands frequently
- Have hand sanitizer available for all at times
- No sharing of water, snacks or equipment
- No shaking hands, high fives, fist bump, hugs, etc…
- Social distancing = six (6) feet apart
- No player or coach can attend if they are feeling sick
- Sick players or coaches must quarantine as required by CDC/PA Dept. of Health. Can only return with a Doctor’s approval. Must show notice to the club.
- Disinfect all training equipment- cones, goals, flags etc. Only coaches can touch or move equipment.
- Coaches to wear a face mask as per CDC/PA Dept. of Health at all times. MASKS WILL BE WORN DURING GAME PLAY OR PRACTICE.
- Players to wear face mask when not involved in soccer activities or on the bench. Player may wear mask during activity at parents or players discretion.
- Scrimmage vests washed after every session. Should consider it personal equipment, and provide each player with their own.
- Each ball sanitized before/after every practice or game.
- Only one coach may attend to an injured player. Must wear mask and gloves.
- Minimize contact with other teams before, during and after each session.
This is a general list. Please consult PA Department of Health and CDC hygiene and safety protocols which must be followed in all stages.